Create cockpit familiarisation course in just hours
September 22, 2020
Cockpit Familiarisation Course

Cockpit familiarisation is an essential part of pilot training. It is traditionally done by being in the cockpit to learn the use, purpose and locations of various controls and instruments, and the checklist procedures. 

The goal is to train pilots and pilot aspirants to be familiar with the aircraft and to master every location in the cockpit to be able to fly it even without leaving the ground.

Although cockpit familiarisation can be accomplished in the actual aircraft, this option is impractical due to usual problems with excessive noise and aircraft availability. 

The option of simulators also presents certain cons like cost and confusion. It is well established in the industry that flight simulators can be too advanced for the purpose of procedure training. There are simply too many stimuli that can lead to confusion.

Thus, airlines and air training organisations (ATOs) search for cost-effective and learner-oriented ways of conducting cockpit familiarisation.

Virtual training alternative

Virtual training allows for training to take place in a simulated or virtual environment. It provides a lower-cost option for ATOs to conduct cockpit familiarisation through smart technologies that address the impracticality and expense of training in an actual aircraft.

Developed by Aviation eLearning, the Virtual 360 Editor (V360E) is a cloud-based platform where instructors can design, create, edit and distribute customised training modules. It has an intuitive user interface making it easy to finish a cockpit familiarisation module in just hours. 

If you have a manual by your side, your complete cockpit familiarisation course can be ready within hours. Have a look at this simple cockpit familiarisation demo for Robinson R44 below.


On top of efficiency, virtual training also comes with instructional and learning advantages. First off, the human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than a text. Today’s learners also have a generational trait that prefers digital and self-paced training.

Did you know there is a simple way to upgrade cockpit familiarisation training at your flight school or airline? Here are 5 easy steps to create cockpit familiarisation course for your pilots in V360E.

Better pilots through cockpits in a pocket

V360E-built modules are essentially handy cockpits that learners can access on their smartphones and other devices. With nearly everyone owning a smartphone, this produces massive learning benefits. 

Virtual cockpit trainers are convenient, allow for unlimited study and practice, and ultimately produce better-prepared aircrew as well as ground crew. This can result in reduced aircraft hours, increased passing rates, and improved crew performance overall. 

Build confidence in your crew members through training and reap the benefits for your organisation. With only hours of investment, you can harness the power of learning and produce top-notch pilots through cockpits in a pocket.

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